Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'm Back

Dear Caroline,

As you know I haven't been ignoring you for the past 10 months or so, in fact quite the opposite. We've been busy playing, watching you learn how to crawl, walk and talk. You're pretty amazing and instead of blogging I've been all wrapped up in you. That's only partly fair because this blog is really for you, to look back on when you're older and read the story of your life from my perspective.

I'm so proud of all that you are learning these days. I'm also starting to learn that there is a LOT stored up in your little brain waiting to explode. Just this week you were reaching for dad's whole apple. You LOVE to carry it around and take little bites with your few front teeth. It's a bit of a mess though and means dad doesn't really get to eat the apple. So he said to you, "Caroline, if you can say apple I'll give it to you." And you did. Just like that. AAAA...bbbb...lllll. It was clear as can be. You only have a few words right now so needless to say we were all surprised and you got your apple!

Last night dad came home around 7:30. I put you down around 7 and assumed you were asleep. You were not. When he peeked in you were wide awake with your feet propped up on the wall through the slats of your crib. I'm crazy about your bedtime routine but we couldn't help but let you get up for a little while and play. You were so happy to do this and the three of us had some giggles so serious they almost made us cry! My lesson for the day, sometimes every once in a while it's OK to break the routine and have some special time.

Love you,

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